Ryan A. Forsythe

[Education] [Professional Work History] [International Experience]
[Leadership & Service Activities] [Presentations]
[Performance, Publications & Other Creations] [Honors & Awards]


Certificate of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (2001)
120 hour certificate course, including 8 hours of supervised teaching practice.
TEFL International. Ban Phe, Thailand.

Master of Science in Education (1998)
Higher Education and Student Affairs Program.
Indiana University. Bloomington, IN. Major GPA: 3.84/4.0

Bachelor of Arts in English / Bachelor of Science in Psychology (1996)
Concentration in Creative Writing. Graduated Cum Laude & With Honors in the Liberal Arts.
The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH. English GPA: 3.66/4.0 Psychology GPA: 3.56/4.0

Additional coursework (post-masters) includes classes in creative writing, screenwriting, throatsinging, Swahili, Korean, didgeridoo making and playing, and whittling.


Construction Intern (September 2003-November 2003)
Largo Canyon School. Largo Canyon, New Mexico.

Resident Director for Co-ops & Village Housing (August 2001-June 2003)
Oberlin College. Oberlin, Ohio. Acting Deputy Manager (April 2001-May 2001); Hostel Assistant (August 1999-October 2000)
Marin Headlands Hostel. Sausalito, California.

Complex Coordinator (February 1999-June 1999)
Mesa Court Housing. University of California, Irvine.

Resident Director (September 1998-December 1998)
Fall Voyage, Semester at Sea. University of Pittsburgh/Institute for Shipboard Education. Housing Assistant (May 1998-August 1998)
Division of Residential Programs and Services. Indiana Univesity. Assistant Coordinator (August 1996-May 1998)
Division of Residential Programs and Services. Indiana Univesity. Development Services Intern (10 hours/week) (January 1997-May 1997)
Department of Development Services. Indiana University Foundation. Assistant Coordinator, Summer Figure Skating School (June 1996-August 1996)
Recreation Department. Shaker Heights, OH. Resident Advisor (September 1993-June 1996)
Residence and Dining Halls. The Ohio State University. Night Monitor (June 1995-September 1995)
Summer Conference Housing. The Ohio State University. Assistant Manager (Summer 1993); Counter Staff (Summers 1991-1992)
Dairy Queen. Richmond Heights, OH. Head Maintenance (Summer 1991); Pool Maintenance Staff (Summers 1988-1990)
Department of Recreation. Richmond Heights, OH.

Have Mother, Will Travel (March 2004)
Based on my genealogy research (with assistance from a very helpful journalist), I was able to find some relatives still living in the German town my great-grandmother left in 1893 to head to Cleveland. Took Ma with me to see them in Weiden, Germany.

Cross-Country Road Trip (August 2003-December 2003)
Primarily traveling by 2-lane highways and back roads, explored the U.S. in our 18-foot school bus. States visited included Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, and New Mexico. Chronicled adventures in "Travels with Lola" (see PUBLICATIONS below).

Sea Turtle Protection (June 2002-July 2002)
Volunteered with Nuestra Tierra marine turtle protection program near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, including nightlong patrols of beaches, collection and incubation of natural nests, and construction of campsite and corrals.

Certificate of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (2001)
TEFL International. Ban Phe, Thailand. 120 hour certificate course, including 8 hours of supervised teaching practice. At conclusion of course, served one week as instructor for English language outdoor adventure camp program.

Volunteering & Learning Honeymoon/Vacation (November 2000-March 2001)
Experiences included volunteer teaching at Tupendane Center for Street Children in Tanzania; working at a cooperative organic farm in Denmark; genealogy research in Sweden; and three weeks backpacking through northwestern Laos

Semester at Sea (September 1998-December 1998)
Participated as staff member with 100 day study abroad program aboard the S.S. Universe Explorer. Countries visited included Japan, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, India, Israel, Italy, Turkey, and Morocco.

Personal Travel (June 1994-August 1994)
Backpacked and traveled by train during 8-week exploration of Europe. Countries visited included Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland.



Available upon request.

© 1998-2004 ryan@forsythe.to