Bachelor of Arts in English
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
The Ohio State University
Major Classes
H111 Honors Composition and Literature
H262 Honors
Introduction to Drama
265 Writing of Fiction
265 Writing of Fiction
367.04 Second Year Writing: Linguistics
398 Critical
549 Modern Drama
553 20th Century American Fiction
H590.01 Honors Seminar: The Middle Ages
H590.06 Honors Seminar:
The Modern Period
660 (Theatre) Playwriting
662 Literary Publishing
664 The Writing of Non-Fiction
693 Individualized Study: Drama
H101 Honors Introduction to Psychology
221 Quantitative
& Statistical Methods in Psychology II
310 Basic Psychology: Perception
313 Introduction to Psychobiology
331 Psychotherapy &
367.01 Social Psychology
522 Organizational Psychology
540 Counseling Psychology
543 Psychology of Women
H550 Honors
Psychology of Childhood
600 Psychology of Learning
662 Psychology of
693 Individualized Study: Research in Social Psychology
Other Classes
Science and Math
Math H161 Honors Accelerated Calculus
Math H162
Honors Accelerated Calculus
Math 254 Calculus & Analytic Geometry
Statistics 245 Introduction to Statistical Analysis
Anthropology 200
Introduction to Physical Anthropology
Biology 113 Energy Transfer
Chemistry 121 General Chemistry
Physics 111 Mechanics & Heat
Physics 112 Electric Magnetism
Social Sciences
Anthropology H202 Honors Introduction to Cultural
Anthropology 597 Cultural Conflict
Anthropology 640.05
Special Topics: Contemporary Forensics
Economics H200 Honors Principles of
Economics I
Educational Policy & Leadership 270.04 Seminar-Career
History 151 American Civilization to 1877
History 152
American Civilization since 1877
Rural Sociology 105 Introduction to Rural
Humanities/Liberal Arts
Arabic H372 Honors Modern Literature in
Translation: Arab Women Writers
Art 170 Beginning Drawing
German 101
Elementary German I
German 102 Elementary German II
German 103
Intermediate German I
German 104 Intermediate German II
German 201
Composition and Conversation
Philosophy H101 Honors Introduction to
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation and Dance
153.01 Social Dance
157.01 Golf I
162.01 Ice Skating I
162.02 Ice Skating II
Ice Skating III
163.01 Figure Skating I
163.02 Figure Skating II
163.04 Ice Dancing
163.06 Precision Team Skating
170.01 Raquetball
190.04 Acrosport
201.05 (Dance) Tap Technique
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