Master of Science in Education
Higher Education & Student Affairs Program

Indiana University

from the Indiana University School of Education Graduate Program Bulletin:

"The curriculum integrates theory and research about student development and management of institutions of higher education with practical experience in student affairs administration. Areas of study include college and university administration, group interventions, student development and research, environmental assessment, issues in student affairs, and communication skills and interpersonal relationships in counseling."

Major Classes

U544 Introduction to Student Affairs Work
U546 The Diverse College Student
U547 Practicum: IU Foundation (development)
U548 Student Development
U549 Environmental Theory and Assessment
U550 Seminar: Small Colleges
U551 Administrative Practices
U553 Higher Education and the Law
U559 Seminar: Residence Life
U580 Capstone
C565 Introduction to Higher Education Administration
G573 Counseling and Communication Skills
H540 The Sociology of Education
P501 Statistical Methods in Education


Music L101 Introduction to Guitar
Music L700 Classical Guitar
English L680 Contemporary Life Writing: Theory and Practice
Health, Physical Education, & Recreation F558 Grief in a Family Context

© 1998-2001