Ryan's and Kaci's Wedding
October 31, 2000

Last Updated 11/13/00

The happy couple following the ceremony

Reverend Ruth performing the ocean-side ceremony.

An overhead shot of the beach where the ceremony took place.

The Forsythes

Ry and Kaci take a stroll to the ocean as husband and wife.

Bob and Peggy Forsythe and Wendy and Don Elder with Ry and Kaci before the wedding.

A couple of pics from the reception and one of "the devil" with Ry and Kaci before they got ready for the costume party reception.

More pictures to come

Dad Forsythe's poem for the occasion

Dan's Invocation at the Ceremony

Bob Jr's rendition of Hostel California

Mom Forsythe read "From The Children's Hour" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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